Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I found this coffee lid on my desk next to my empty cup of coffee. To me, this is not just a coffee lid; to me, this represents all the coffee I have forced myself to drink in order to help myself focus on homework.
I have ADD and am prescribed to Adderall. However, I did not like the idea of taking a drug so I stopped taking it before I came to college. Doing so, however, left me with the problem of never being able to focus or concentrate. One day, I decided to get a cup of coffee even though I hate coffee. I added tons of sugar and flavored cream to sweeten it up (my friends say that it is WAY to sweet and makes them feel sick). After I drank a cup, I began to focus and concentrate very well. So next time I had work to do, I drank a cup of coffee and got it done. Eventually I realized that coffee was my adderall replacement that did not have the same side effects as adderall, such as lack of desire to sleep, lack of hunger, and general unhappiness/depression. So the fact that this coffee lid represents my "savior," allowing me to get my work done in a timely fassion, it deserves much attention and recognition and praise even though it is not considered art.

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