Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Literal: recounting events of the story; what happens in the story

Structural: patterns (repetition) For example pairs of characters or do two characters do the same things?

Anthropological: historical and biblical themes that are throughout text; biological concepts-man vs. women; raw, primitive way to view
-sociological and he might even mention psychological
-human experience

cosmological: the solar system; he was comparing the movements of mercury (god) with venus
-planetary compartments

-compare ways of describing with Repunzel
-taking these categories and applying to contemporary narrative

-literal: a show in which each episode is a different story where a Special Victims Unit solves crimes in New York City

-structural: pattern-each show follows the pattern of beginning with a crime scene and immediately moves into detectives Bensen and Stabler pursuing suspects and obtaining evidence. In most episodes, after the perpetrator is caught, the show moves from detective work on the streets to the District Attorney trying to prove their case (while representing “the people”) in court.
-another pattern: usually, the first suspect is never the actual perpetrator

-anthropological: criminals are usually smaller in size and less attractive than Bensen and Stabler (the two detectives)

-cosmological: (just like in the reading in which at first glance people just see a plant but after further study and observation they realize that there are roots and ultimately deeper meanings) when first viewing this show, people do not see the detectives as their own persons; they are simply vessels of justice. However, after paying closer attention and watching more episodes, one begins to realize that both Bensen and Stabler have their own lives, which the show sometimes incorporates into episodes.

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